L’Âne qui joue de la lyre – a New Book Published by IRSA

L’Âne qui joue de la lyre (Donkey playing the lyre) – a legendary script by Jadwiga Kukułczanka, which enchanted Wojciech Jerzy Has and became his last unexecuted film project. Kukułczanka’s play is a ‘total work of art’ – a journey in time and space, full of surprising encounters, reaching back to the tradition of Socratic dialogues.

A new issue of Artibus et Historiae, 88, 2023, has appeared

Papers included in the volume concern subjects ranging from sculptures made by Veit Stoss, to paintings by Paolo Veronese and Filippino Lippi, illustrations of medieval manuscripts, sculptures decorating  the façade of Santa Maria del Giglio in Venice to the formation of the picture collection of the Earls Cowper at Panshanger