STASYS 50. A Retrospective of Stasys Eidrigevičius

  • Cracow 1999
  • 232 × 252, 528 pages
  • 202 full-page colour plates
  • 364 colour, 669 b&w illus.
  • ISBN 83-908675-3-2

Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim.

A richly illustrated catalogue, accompanying an exhibition organized in Cracow on the occasion of the fiftieth birthday of Stasys Eidrigevičius – a celebrated Polish contemporary artist of Lithuanian origin. In the introduction critical essays of the most prominent Polish and foreign art critics create a background to subsequent sections, presenting all aspects of Stasys’ artistic work. Each of the chapters, opened by the artist’s own text, is entirely devoted to one area of his activity. Additionally, an attempt has been made to inventory the artist’s output in several fields of his activity: as a tailpiece to the catalogue documentary sections in photography, ex-libris, graphics, poster and book art illustrate every work with a small photo and give all the necessary details.


Józef Grabski

Józef Grabski
Stasys 50

Ryszard Kapuściński
An Introduction

Wojciech Skrodzki

Jacek Szelegejd
Stasys – Child in Time

Wojciech Krauze
Stasys Eidrigevičius

Wiesława Wierzchowska
Moja sztuka powstała z potrzeby wyśpiewania bólu… (wywiad ze Stasysem)
My Art Comes from the Need to Sing about Pain… (an Interview with Stasys)

Vittorio Sgarbi
Stasys, albo samotność
Stasys or on Solitude

Pierre Bergounioux
Cień otchłani czyli twarz ludzka
The Shadow of the Adyss, or the Human Face

Zbigniew Taranienko
Z innego świata (rozmowa ze Stasysem Eidrigevičiusem)
From Another World. Zbigniew Taranienko Talks with Stasys Eidrigevičius

Marek Bartelik
IKON-O-STASYS. Uwagi o sztuce Stasysa Eidrigevičiusa
ICON-O-STASYS. Notes on Art of Stasys Eidrigevičius

Spis dzieł wystawionych

I. Grafika, ekslibris / Graphics, Ex-libris
II. Sztuka książki / Book Art
III. Plakaty / Posters
IV. Rysunki / Drawings
V. Pastele / Pastels
VI. Miniatury / Miniatures
VII. Malarstwo / Painting
VIII. Maski / Masks
IX. Smutki / Sorrows
X. Instalacje, performances / Installations, Performances
XI. Teatr / Theatre
XII. Rzeźba / Sculpture
XIII. Fotografia / Photography
XIV. ………


Biografia / The Biography
Ekslibris / Bookplates
Grafika, grafika komputerowa, znaczek / Graphics, Computer Graphics, a Stamp
Plakaty / Posters
Sztuka książki / Book Art
Performances, instalacje, warsztaty / Performances, Installations, Workshops
Fotografie / Photography
Wystawy, nagrody / Exhibitions, Awards
Bibliografia / Bibliography
Katalogi, albumy (wybór) / Catalogues
Indeks nazwisk / Index

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