- Cracow–Warsaw 2003
- 232 × 252 mm, 152 pages
- 44 full-page colour plates
- 162 colour illus., 14 b&w photographs
- ISBN 83-915130-6-8
Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim.
Catalogue of the exhibition of drawings by Jerzy Tchórzewski (1928–1999), containing reproductions of 162 drawings (44 of them additionally as full-page illustrations), dating from different periods of the artist’s career. Tchórzewski’s works are commented on by: A. Wojciechowski, J. Sempoliński, S. Wieczorek and A. Żakiewicz. The biography of the artist, richly illustrated with family photos, and a documentary section containing record of exhibitions and bibliography, complete the volume.
Aleksander Wojciechowski
Rysunek – rozmiary wyobraźni
Drawing – the Dimension of Imagination
Jacek Sempoliński
Rysunek jako świadectwo
Drawing as a Testimony
Stanisław Wieczorek
Anna Żakiewicz
O rysunkach Jerzego Tchórzewskiego
On Jerzy Tchórzewski’s Drawings
Katalog / Catalogue
Spis prac / List of the Works
Biografia / Biography
Wystawy / Exhibitions
Bibliografia / Bibliography
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