• Cracow–Warsaw 2003
  • 232 × 252 mm, 132 pages
  • 40 full-page colour plates,
  • 37 colour illus.
  • 45 b&w photographs
  • ISBN 83-918454-5-1

Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim.

The present catalogue of works by Stasys Eidrigevičius (b. 1949) introduces the reader to a brand new field in the artist’s activity. The book presents three new photographic cycles, an installation, and some older works on paper, of which the common denominator is the mask – a leading motif of Stasys’ art – thus giving the reader an opportunity to trace the evolution of Stasys’ iconography and of finding some features that are common to the artist’s entire career. Critical essays (by W. Wierzchowska, O. Wojtkiewicz, T. Nyczek and B. Deptuła), present this new chapter in Stasys’ work.


Ola Wojtkiewicz
Szczerość udawania
The Sincerity of Pretence

Wiesława Wierzchowska
Ciało i maska
Body and Mask

Tadeusz Nyczek
Demoniczny Pinokio
Demonic Pinocchio

Bogusław Deptuła
Proste skojarzenia
Simple Associations

Ola Wojtkiewicz
Teatr twarzy – Rozmowa ze Stasysem Eidrigievičiusem
The Theatre of the Face – Interview with Stasys Eidrigievičius

Katalog / Catalogue

Ściana ciszy / Wall of Silence

Lekkie twarze / Light Faces

Przy oknie / By the Window

Biały pokój / White Room

Paryż – Warszawa / Paris – Warsaw

Prace na papierze / Works on Paper

Dokumentacja / Documentary Record

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